Treatment Resources

Treatment Resources

What is the role of the Treatment Committee Liaison?

“Some groups have treatment representatives who serve as the group liaison with the local intergroup (central office), district or area treatment committee. They share this vital service work with home group members and encourage them to join in this responsibility.”

“Members of the treatment committee, known in some areas as hospitals and institutions (H&I) representatives, work to help hospital and treatment center staffs better understand A.A., and to take the A.A. tools of recovery to alcoholics in treatment. As part of the Bridging the Gap program (Temporary Contact), treatment committee members also may act as contacts when alcoholic patients are discharged.”

(Reprinted from The A.A. Group, pages 25-26, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.)

The above graphics are used with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

Paper versions of pamphlets and resources may also be available at
Central Office, 638 Papworth Ave Ste A, Metairie

See more Resources: For Newcomers | Corrections | Accessibility Info

How to get involved with Treatment & Corrections (T&C) Service Work:

From A.A. World Services:

MG-14: A.A. Guidelines on Treatment Committees

AAWS F-167W: Contents of Treatment Committee Kit List

AAWS M-40i: Treatment Committee Workbook

Home Group T&C Committee: Your home group may already provide T&C outreach meetings to local facilities — ask at your next group business meeting to support, or look into starting a T&C initiative with the AAWS resources provided.

District T&C Committee: Attend your monthly local district meeting to support T&C service work at the district level.

Service Board T&C Committee: Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm at Central Office (638 Papworth Ave Ste. A, Metairie)

To print meeting lists for T&C work: Printable Meeting List (organized by day/time, updated 2025-01-24)

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