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as of August 2024:

as of August 2023:

as of July 2014:


(as of August 2024)

The Big Deep South Convention Committee is a standing Committee of the Greater New Orleans Service Board. It is responsible for organizing the annual Big Deep South Convention. These Guidelines have been developed based on past Convention experience to assist the Convention Chair, Convention Vice-Chair and Treasurer as well as the Sub-Committee Chairs to understand their responsibilities as they pertain to the Big Deep South Convention.

The Convention Chairperson will be appointed by the GNOSB Chair after Service Board elections. The Convention Chair shall then choose the Convention Vice-Chair. Let this be understood that the Vice-Chair of the Convention does not automatically become the Chair of the following year’s Convention, although it is recommended. It is recommended that the appointed Convention Chair, Convention Vice-Chair and Treasurer have four or more years of sobriety.

The Big Deep South Convention Committee shall consist only of members of Alcoholics Anonymous and will serve for a designated term of one year and shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Treasurer.

The following will require a simple majority vote by the Sub-Committee Chairs only: theme, artwork and merchandise. The theme and artwork should be selected by the December Meeting.

Additionally, the Voice of the Convention shall be nominated and voted upon by simple majority vote by Sub-Committee Chairs. When someone is nominated as the Voice, they must be present at the voting meeting to introduce themselves and give a brief history of their service work. Prior to voting, they will be asked to step out of the room while voting takes place. When voting is complete, they will be asked to return and the winner will be announced.

No Trustee of the Service Board shall chair a sub-committee position.

  1. Convention Chair 3
  2. Convention Vice-Chair 4
  3. Secretary 5
  4. Treasurer 6


  • 50/50 ($) 7
  • Bingo ($) 8
  • Coffee 9




  • Decorations    10    9.    Entertainment    11    10.

Hospitality  12  11.  Marathon  Meetings  13  12.

Meditation 14 13. Merchandise ($) 15 14. Outreach

16 15. Raffle/Auction ($) 17 16. Registration (&) 18

– 19

17. Scholarships ($) 20 18. Security 21 19. Speaker

Chair 22 – 23 20. Audio Video 24 21. Special

Needs/Sign Language 25 22. Voice 26 23. Website

27 24. Welcoming 28 25. Workshop 29


  • AA Associates 30 Al-Anon Liaison COB/Literature Rep

Archives & Grapevine T&C & CPC/PI

  • Al-Anon Liaison 30 2


(Min. 4 Years Sobriety Required)

The Chair’s responsibilities will be the following:

Appoints a secretary to record minutes of all meetings and maintain a list of all sub-committee chairs along with contact information.

Coordinates with GNOSB Trustees and Central Office Manager all items concerning contracts and/or financial requirements. The Chair also coordinates with venue/hotel management regarding facility costs, contracts, requirements and setup. (The Chair may choose a liaison with specific experience to assist in this if necessary.) All final approvals and contract signatures, including venue/hotel, must be made by the Chair.

Organizes all remaining supplies and documents from individual sub-committee chairs and turns them into Central Office Manager for next year’s committees and the Central Office BDSC file.

Submits a detailed budget to the Service Board Trustees for approval. Attends all Service Board meetings to present progression updates.

Schedules monthly meetings convenient to the sub-committee members. All meeting dates will be published in the bulletin and held in a business-like manner. The Chair also oversees and guides all sub-committee’s expenses.

Always adheres to the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous as outlined in the 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts.

The Chair may have input on themes (chosen from Conference Approved Literature), and artwork from the Convention, but theme, speakers and artwork shall be voted on by simple majority vote by sub-committee chairs. The Chair shall only vote to break a tie.

The Chair attends the Convention from start to finish. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall work together at all times. In the event the Chair cannot fulfill his/her duties, the Vice-Chair will step in and act as Chair.

The Convention Chair shall select sub-committee chairpersons with at least one year of sobriety and create additional sub-committees, as well as ad-hoc committees, as deemed necessary. If the sub-committee involves the handling of money, the chairperson should have at least two years of sobriety.

The Convention Chair may or may not review and reimburse a Sub-Committee member who, without prior authorization, incurs unauthorized expenses in the performance of their position.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions

Voting: In any case of a tie, the Chair casts the deciding vote.



(Min. 4 Years Sobriety Required)

The Vice-Chair shall confer and assist the Chair throughout the planning and presentation of the Convention. The Vice-chair shall attend the Convention from start to finish.

In the event the Chair cannot attend GNOSB meetings, the Vice-Chair should be prepared to present progress updates.

In the event the Chair must resign, the Vice-Chair should be prepared to assume the duties of the Chair.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

Voting: The Vice-Chair does not vote.



(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

Assures that each BDSC monthly Meeting’s date and time appears in the monthly Bulletin and that all sub-committee members are reminded by phone/email/text at least two days prior to each Meeting.

Takes Minutes of all BDSC Meetings and furnishes the Minutes to all committee members at earliest convenience.

Supplies a Sign-In Sheet at each BDSC Monthly Meeting.

Maintains a spreadsheet with e-mail addresses for correspondence including names, phone numbers, sobriety dates and Sub-Committee name.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important

that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

Voting: The Secretary does not vote.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 5


(Min. 4 Years Sobriety Required)

Assists the Convention Chair in all financial matters including budget for the Convention. Treasurer to use budget template provided by the Chair or approved by the Chair.

Records all income and expenses to General Ledger Account against budget by each Sub-Committee.

Receives registration income report from Registration Chair and records according to individual affiliation (AA, Al-Anon, Al-Ateen, etc.). It is recommended that income should be recorded as to one’s affiliation (AA, Al-Anon, etc.) for financial history, responsibility and accountability.

Monies collected at Convention must be counted with Chair of the Sub-Committee and verified with 2 (two) sets of signatures on a receipt.

Prepares bank deposits and either a) brings deposit to bank, receives deposit receipt, and records OR b) turns over all monies collected at event to Convention Chair to be secured in locked safe until deposit with receipt can be performed.

Reconciles monthly bank statement, merchant charge card statement and online account statement to General Ledger and advised Convention Chair of any discrepancies.

Provides an expenditure and income report each month.

All sub-committee expenses must be authorized by the Convention Chair.

Responsible for all money collected at Convention; advises the Chair on cash supply and income flow as well as rate of expenditures.

Supplies the Convention sub-committee chairs with adequate banks to be used at the registration, merchandise, raffle/auction, bingo and 50/50 tables.

Provides to Convention Chair the final detailed Treasury Report at the Wrap Up Meeting and at the GNOSB meeting prior to the Service Board Elections.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 6

50 / 50 CHAIR ($)

(Min. 2 Years Sobriety Required)

The 50/50 Chair is responsible for organizing, as well as managing the 50/50 event during the Convention (from the beginning of the Convention on Friday to Saturday evening when the 50/50 ticket is called.) The 50/50 Chair is encouraged to recruit volunteers to sell tickets during the Convention.

It is suggested that the ticket prices be kept at $1.00 each, 6 for $5.00 and 12 for $10.00. The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Publicizes 50/50 event, including ticket price, both prior and during event; Obtains all needed

supplies at least one month before Convention;

Provides the Voice with regular prize amount at event for podium announcement;

Selects non-biased person (usually an attendee’s child) in advance to draw winning ticket at podium. 50/50 Chair announces winning ticket number and presents cash prize;

Regularly advises Chair directly with status reports as well as any issues (either resolved or un-resolved) and attends monthly BDSC meetings prepared to present progress updates to all members;

Adheres to budget. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed. (All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair.)

All monies collected must be counted with the 50/50 Chair and Treasurer and verified with two separate signatures on receipt.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 7


(Min. 2 Years Sobriety Required)

The Bingo Chair is responsible for organizing, as well as running, the Bingo event which takes place on the Friday night of the Convention (usually starts at 9:30 p.m.) The Bingo Chair will need to recruit volunteers to help during the event.

It is suggested the bingo card prices be kept at $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Based on A.A. experience shared with G.S.O., committees have found it best not to solicit for outside donations of any kind. This is in keeping with our 7th Tradition which states every AA

group ought to be fully self-supporting declining outside contributions.

Decides on number of games, type, example (regular, blackout, tickets, rules, card price, etc.)

Solicits individual or group donations of prizes or funds to purchase items (AA Literature, handmade crafts, gift cards, electronics, or nice garage sale items are good ideas).

Obtains all supplies and prizes at least one month before Convention.

Publicizes game activities, including prizes, time and location, both prior & during event. Arranges attractive display of prizes with appropriate signage as to game rules, ticket price, etc.

Regularly advises Convention Chair directly with status reports as well as any issues (either resolved or unresolved) and attends monthly Committee Meetings prepared to present progress updates to all members.

All equipment should be turned in to Central Office at Convention end.

Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair. (All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed.)

All monies collected must be counted with the Bingo Chair and the Treasurer and verified with two separate signatures on receipt.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention.


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)


The Coffee Chair is responsible for organizing and supplying coffee for the entire Convention from Friday open to Sunday close. The Coffee Chair is encouraged to recruit as many volunteers as he/she feels is needed.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Solicits individual/group donations for coffee, cream, sugar/sweetener, cups, stirrers, etc. or funds to purchase items.

Depending upon venue, hospitality may have their own coffee makers. In that case, supply hospitality room with coffee, cups, stirrers, cream and sugar.

Assures coffee/supplies are available throughout the event for the attendees.

Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 9


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

The Decorations Chair is responsible for decorating the Convention before the start of the Convention on 4:00 p.m. on Friday. The Decorations Chair is encouraged to recruit as many volunteers as he/she feels is needed.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Use approved Convention theme and artwork.

Decides on types of appropriate decorations, (it is suggested to keep it simple; plants, balloons,

table decorations) to enhance the visual appeal of the Venue/Hotel and convey the theme without distracting from the primary purpose.

Obtains estimate/quotes for supplies, equipment, vendors, etc. to design, produce, and install and submits to Convention Chair for approval.

Once approved, orders and receives all supplies/equipment, coordinates vendor participation, volunteer assistance and facilitates overall final look.

Resists the urge to compete with prior year’s Conventions, going “bigger” is not always “better”.

Regularly advises Convention Chair directly with status reports as well as any issues (either resolved or unresolved) and attends monthly Committee Meetings prepared to present progress/updates to all members.

Adheres to the theme and the budget.

All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention.


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)


The Entertainment Chair is responsible for organizing, as well as overseeing, the decided upon Event, which is usually held on Saturday night after the main Speaker. The Entertainment Chair is encouraged to recruit as many volunteers as he/she feels is needed.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Obtains estimate/quotes for supplies, equipment, vendors, etc. and submits to Convention Chair for approval. Once approved, orders and receives all supplies/equipment, coordinates vendor participation

Publicizes the entertainment event, including time and room/location.

Each Event participant must be registered for the Convention. (A name badge and/or wrist band is needed to participate.)

Regularly advises Convention Chair directly with status reports as well as any issues (either resolved or unresolved) and attends monthly BDS Committee Meetings prepared to present progress updates to all members.

Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 11


(Min. 2 Year Sobriety Required)

The Hospitality Chair is responsible for providing food for the Convention’s Friday Meet and Greet, as well as Saturday’s lunch, and donuts on Saturday morning and Sunday morning.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following: Obtains all supplies at least one month before Convention.

Must keep an updated spreadsheet of items purchased, (example: meats, salads, condiments, paper products, etc.)

Coordinates and provides volunteers to assist in maintaining food preparation, food set up, handling of ice and drinks and serving food and cleanliness of hospitality room.

Makes signs to put in front of each dish especially vegetarian food.

If Venue/Hotel allows Committee to bring in outside food/beverage, decides on items, obtains estimates/quotes, submits budget for approval.

Regularly advises Chair directly with status reports, as well as any issues that have arisen (either resolved or unresolved) and attends monthly Committee Meetings prepared to present progress updates to all members.

Adhere to budget. All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 12


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

The Marathon Chair is responsible for organizing, as well as overseeing, the marathon meetings that take place on Friday and Saturday evenings.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

To include open or closed regular discussion topic meetings.

Coordinates time schedule and location with Convention Chair so as not to conflict with other activities every two hours except when speakers are in progress.

Schedules volunteers (min. 6 months sobriety) to moderate various meeting times. Assures room is equipped with “AA Preamble”, “How It Works”, Big Book, and 12&12 for each meeting.

Posts meeting schedule with times, topics, and moderator on meeting room door as well at Registration desk and hallway.

Coordinates with Convention Chair on the location for the meetings.

Post schedule of meetings on door of location and give a copy to the registration table.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 13


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

The Meditation Chair is responsible for organizing, as well as overseeing the Meditations to be held on Saturday and Sunday mornings. (The Meditation Chair does not have to be the actual person who does the meditations.)

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

It is the responsibility to provide a guided meditation, preferably directed by the AA Big Book and the 12 &12. The below is only a suggested meditation.

Order of meeting:

Serenity Prayer

Brief description of meditation and its benefits

St. Francis Prayer – Pray it together. Chair should have copies to handout to everyone. Proceed with guided script.

The meditation can be read live or a recorded version of the script can be played. Peaceful music may also be played.

The meditation should last at least a half hour or more.

After the meditation you can have an open discussion on what was experienced during the meditation, or any spiritual experience.

Close the meeting as usual.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 14


(Min. 2 Years Sobriety Required)

The Merchandise Chair is responsible for organizing, as well as overseeing the handling and selling of the merchandise (usually t-shirts and coffee mugs). The Merchandise Chair is encouraged to recruit volunteers to sell tickets during the Convention.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Use approved Convention theme, artwork, etc. to design merchandise items and submit to Sub-Committee Chairs for approval.

T-Shirts: Shall choose two or three colors to be voted upon by simple majority by the Sub-Committee Chairs.

Past experience has shown t-shirts should be kept to one color and not gender specific. Also, the larger sizes (XL and XXL) sell quickly.

Obtains at least two or three estimate/quotes for approved merchandise and submits to Sub-Committee Chairs for simple majority vote.

Once approved, order items as soon as possible to receive well in advance of event to facilitate advance sales.

Upon receipt of items, confirms the order is correct and as expected. Resolves any issues.

Attends and schedules volunteers to attend various Groups, meetings, Central Offices and area events for advance sales along with merchandise forms to be filled out for each sale.

Assures any pre-paid purchases with merchandise form on spreadsheet provided by Registration Chair are reserved separately for pick-up at Convention.

When releasing t-shirts to committee members, all funds with forms must be turned into Merchandise Chair who will then turn over reconciled forms and money collected to the Treasurer before more t-shirts will be released.

All monies collected at the Registration table must be counted with the Registration Chair and the Treasurer and verified with two separate signatures on receipt.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 15


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

The Outreach Chair is responsible for advertising the Convention through all possible avenues he/she deems appropriate.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Works with Central Office Manager in printing and distribution of flyer information at least three months in advance to advise various AA Groups, Meetings, Central Offices, Grapevine, Box 459 and Louisiana State website and online.

Work with Central Office Manager attends and schedules volunteers to attend various Groups, Meetings, special events, workshops etc. to distribute information and make verbal announcements.

Coordinates and provides volunteers for mass mailing distribution (hardcopy or emailed) of information with Central Office Manager.

Recruit volunteers to process mailings and distribution at times to be determined by Committee. Adhere to budget. All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed.

Coordinates Convention attendance of the following area AA associates/district chair persons: Grapevine, CPC/PI, T & C, Archives.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 16


(Min. 3 Years Sobriety Required)

The Raffle/Auction Chair is responsible for organizing, as well as overseeing the Raffle/Auction

event. (This event takes place from start of Convention on Friday to Saturday evening.)

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Based on A.A. experience shared with G.S.O., committees have found it best not to solicit for outside donations of any kind. This is in keeping with our 7th Tradition, every AA group ought to be fully self-supporting declining outside contributions.

Regularly advises Chair directly with status reports as well as any issues (either resolved or un-resolved) and attends monthly Committee Meetings prepared to present progress updates to all members.

Decides on type of activity (example: Open Auction, Silent Auction, General Raffle, Box/Bucket Raffle, etc.), game rules, ticket price, method of awarding prize (live drawing, witnessed drawing and posting winners, etc.)

Solicits individual or group donations of prizes or funds to purchase items. Publicizes Raffle/Auction event, including prizes, time and location, both prior and during event. Arranges attractive display of prizes with appropriate signage as to game rules, ticket price, etc. Obtains raffle prizes at least one month before Convention.

Recruits volunteers to sell raffle tickets and help throughout the Convention.

Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed.

All monies collected must be counted with the Raffle/Auction Chair and the Treasurer and verified with two separate signatures on receipt.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention.


(Min. 2 Years Sobriety Required)


The Registration Chair is responsible for organizing, as well as managing the entire registration process.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Computer and credit card equipment must be set up and tested at least two hours prior to the start of the Convention.

The Point of Sales (POS) is to be downloaded to laptop and set up accordingly at least two months prior to Convention date.

Keeps a copy of all pre-registration forms in alphabetical by first name in a binder to be brought to the Convention.

Provides list of pre-paid merchandise items (including attendee name, quantity, sizes, etc.) to Merchandise Sub-Committee Chair on regular basis so items can be reserved separately for pick-up at event.

It is the responsibility of the Registration Chair to prepare the Convention’s Program (i.e. dates, times, locations and names of speakers, etc.) and ensures program gets posted online ASAP. The Convention program should be finalized one month prior to Convention.

Assembles Pre-Registration name badges with Convention logo (clearly typed), holders, lanyards, gift bags, etc. and makes available at event pre-registration table along with program.

On-site Registration writes name on badge with Convention logo with sharpie and gives to attendee with program. Should have available at least 500 printed badges.

Provides the Voice with regular attendee count at event for podium announcement.

If paying by check or credit card, MUST verify all information on form MUST be completed including address and phone # that matches their ID.

Maintains an accurate count and crosscheck the Treasurer’s records in a timely manner and report to the Convention Committee during each meeting.

Maintains a spreadsheet of all pre-registrations, registration fee, scholarship donations, AA or Al-Anon, T-shirt size, Al-A-Teen, etc. and provides this report to Convention Chairs.

Check the online account for pre-registrations and personal email daily for registrations.

Account will send email when someone registers online. (This has to be set up with Account.)


Regularly advises Convention Chair directly with status reports as well as any issues (either resolved or unresolved) and attends monthly Committee Meetings prepared to present progress

updates to all members.

Adheres to budget. Expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair. All expenditures must have receipt to be reimbursed.

Obtains registration forms, name badges, blank inserts, plastic holders, lanyards, ribbons, etc. needed for nametags for attendees, guests and Committee members.

Copies and cut registration forms and have available for attendees to fill out at registration table (at least 500).

Arranges and coordinates volunteers to staff the Registration table during open hours. Volunteers will process forms, receive monies, keep count of all Convention registrants. All monies collected at the Registration table must be counted with the Registration Chair and the Treasurer and verified with two separate signatures on receipt.

Experience has shown that the Registration Chair, though not required, should man the registration tables at all times and/or should be available at regular intervals at the table to handle above responsibilities and any problems that may arise.

The updated registration list (preferably electronic format) will be given to the incoming Registration Chair as well.

All remaining supplies and information must be turned in to the Central Office Manager at the Convention’s end.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 19


(Min. 2 Years Sobriety Required)

The Scholarship Chair is responsible for contacting treatment centers and rehabilitation facilities regarding total number of scholarships needed and soliciting donations for those who need them.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Regularly advises Chair directly with status reports as well as any issues (either resolved or un-resolved) and attends monthly Committee Meetings prepared to present progress updates to all members.

Responsible for coordinating with Registration Chair materials needed for scholarship, example (elastic lanyards, blank inserts, plastic holders, pens, sharpies and cut registration forms.

Provides completed standard Registration Form hardcopy for each attendee marked with the words “Scholarship” or “Reduced Rate $ _2 and any donation funds received to Registration Chair.

Obtains information from prior year Scholarship Chair for information on treatment centers, etc.

Three months prior to Convention- make phone calls and send form letter correspondence to facilities. Make follow-up calls two weeks prior to Convention and send letter and form for facility to fill out for number of scholarships needed, names, etc.

Needs to have list of names, number of scholarships, amount paid, etc. for each treatment facility that will be attending the Convention.

Scholarship requests should be directed to Scholarship Chair.

Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by the Convention Chair.

All monies collected at the Scholarship table must be counted with the Scholarship Chair and Treasurer and verified with two separate signatures on receipt.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention.


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)


The Security Chair is responsible for maintaining security from the start of the Convention to the close of the Convention on Sunday.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

As event Venue/Hotel is usually quite large, attendance often tops 600+, and Chair/Vice-Chair cannot be in all places at all times, it may become necessary to utilize trusted members to provide assistance regarding the wellbeing of all attendees and facility.

Ensures noise level in hallways outside meeting rooms does not conflict with meeting inside, including posting assistant at Main Entrances to all meeting room doors to facilitate opening/closing without disturbing speakers or attendees.

Makes sure each attendee wears Registration badge in all event areas and if not, escorts them to Registration Chair.

Observes and reports to Convention Chair any issues, including inappropriate dress or behavior, vandalism, theft, parking violations, etc.

Uses extreme caution and common sense in all situations and if necessary, calls upon professional Venue/Hotel Security to handle.

Security Chair must be attending the entire Convention and be available at all times. Requests that venue management does not put ash trays outside in front of venue.

At least 5 volunteer security people should be outside waiting before and after the meetings end to assure no smoking in front on venue.

Security volunteers are responsible for enforcing no one smokes in front of the venue at any time. Smoking is permitted in designated areas only. No exceptions.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 21


(Min. 3 Years Sobriety Required)

The Speaker Chair is responsible for securing the speakers for the Convention, keeping in mind the Convention Chair has final say-so on the speaker selection.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

The chair must create a speaker committee consisting of 3-5 members of AA to review and discuss possible speakers. A list of at least 10 speakers should be submitted to the BDS committee no later than the September meeting for review and voting at the October Meeting.

Recruits volunteers to “host” each speaker. The host will also chair and introduce the speaker at the Convention.

Reasonable expenses include speaker’s standard sleeping room accommodation and on-site food/beverage (charged to the hotels Master Account which is settled directly by Convention Chair), coach airfare or current mileage rate if driving (reimbursed by receipts prior to event or upon “wrap up” after).

In an effort to encourage speakers to effectively participate in the Convention event, only on-site expenses will be reimbursed. Therefore, any activity elsewhere at the speaker/host’s option is not reimbursable by the Convention Chair. Encourage speakers to eat in Hospitality Room.

Most speakers will appreciate knowing something about the conditions under which they speak; let them know what type of set-up the Convention will have, etc. If the speaker will be taped, be sure the speaker is aware in advance.

Selects volunteers to “host” each speaker who will assure the speaker has transportation to and from the event venue, adequate accommodations, acts as chair for that speaker’s meeting and introduce the speaker.

Decides on an appropriate speaker gift for host to present to each speaker after talk at podium.

Responsible members should be assigned the duty of being hosts to the visiting speakers making sure that they have transportation to and from airport, proper accommodations, as well as other conveniences.

Speaker hosts have the responsibility to see that important matters are properly handled — hotel room, type of room and off-site ventures.

It should be clear, when the speakers are booked, what terms are being made for expenses. Spouse’s expenses are not paid for unless the spouse is participating in the Convention

Regularly advises Convention Chair directly with status reports as well as any issues (either resolved or unresolved) and attends monthly Committee Meetings prepared to present progress updates to all members


Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 23


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

Coordinates with the Convention Chair and hotel liaison to provide necessary equipment and knowledge to properly project speaker’s voice to all attendees via PA or Video system while simultaneously capturing voice only recording onto CD for sale to AA Members during & after Convention event.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Secures Audio Vendor for the audio recordings and sale of convention CDs. Ensures any audio equipment needed for all panels and workshops are available and set up. Coordinates with the Entertainment Chair to ensure proper equipment is available. Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by the Convention Chair. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 24


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

The Special Needs/Sign Language Chair is responsible for providing assistance to all Convention attendees who may need it during all times at the Convention.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

In consideration for our diverse membership, coordinates with Hotel Liaison accommodations for attendees requiring special needs to include, but not limited to, ASL (American Sign Language) interpreters, reserved accessible seating for physically handicapped.

Reserves interpreter(s) well ahead of time because they are in great demand. Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by the Convention Chair. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 25


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

The Voice is the Emcee for the Convention. The position alternates from male to female each year.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Must be a member of AA.

Opens the Convention, makes opening announcements (including Anonymity Statement) at beginning of each meeting, introduces the meeting Chairperson, makes closing announcements (including upcoming activity reminders) and closes the meeting with The Lord’s Prayer. Items are contained in a binder labeled Voice and may be retrieved from Central Office Manager.

Ensures that the meeting format, readings (AA Preamble, How It Works, etc.), water pitcher, glasses, etc. are available at the podium for every meeting.

Keeps “Welcome Candle” lit daily during the event and assures it is properly extinguished at end.

Selects AA member to conduct count-up and have AA member with most year’s sobriety light “Welcome Candle” at podium.

Selects AA member to conduct count-down and have AA member with least years sobriety blow out “Welcome Candle” at podium and present them with the signed Big Book.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 26


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

The Website Chair is responsible for maintaining the Convention’s website from January 1stto the start of the Convention.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Utilizes approved Convention theme, artwork, text, etc. to design electronic information and for purchasing (registration, donations, T-Shirt, Mugs, etc.) on internet (webpage, newsletters, etc.)

Establishes specific Convention email accounts and passwords for the following: Convention Chair, Convention Vice-Chair, Registration Chair, Scholarship Chair, Treasurer and Secretary with links on electronic media as Convention Contact Information for public use;

Maintains and updates information on Convention website on a regular basis.

Follows website guidelines, as well as refer to the GSO Publication entitled AA Guidelines — Internet as a reference.

Set-up and maintain account for on-line registrations.

Regularly advises Chair directly with status reports as well as any issues (either resolved or

un-resolved) and attends monthly Committee Meetings prepared to present progress updates to all members.

Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 27


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

The Welcoming Chair is responsible for welcoming Convention attendees (from opening on Friday to Saturday evening) and assisting them with any needs they may have.

The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Suggestions for welcoming gifts: example: stickers, bracelets, Mardi Gras beads with medallion or pins, etc.) to be purchased or hand-crafted that do not conflict with Registration gift.

Obtains estimate/quotes and submits to Convention Chair for approval.

Once approved, orders and receives all items and produces/prepares gifts for event.

Purchases large decorative candle on stand at podium to be lit at count-up and blown out at count-down. Selects outgoing / friendly volunteers scheduled throughout time of event & orientates them to assist.

At event will stand, mingle, greet, and welcome attendees in hallway before Registration table. Has input on Convention themes, artwork, merchandise, entertainment, etc., which are presented to Sub-Committee Chairs and voted upon by simple majority.

Knowledgeable about activities and acts as informational guide to attendees.

Regularly advises Convention Chair directly with status reports, as well as any issues (either resolved or unresolved).

Attends monthly Committee Meetings prepared to present progress updates to all members. Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair. All expenditures must have a receipt to be reimbursed.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 28


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

The Workshop Chair is responsible for organizing, as well as overseeing, all Convention


The Chair’s responsibilities also include the following:

Coordinates number of workshops, time schedule, and location with Convention Chair so as not to conflict with other activities. It is advised that there should be no more than four workshops and does not conflict with other Convention activities.

Communicates to presenters the time, location, and room set-up for their workshops. Assures any additional requirements (example: Audio-Visual equipment, white board, hardcopy handouts, etc.) are arranged with Hotel liaison and Convention Chair

It is suggested to ask the speakers invited if they would like to be part of a workshop.

May take a variety of topics some suggestions are; Service, Sponsorship, Correctional Facilities, Public Information, Steps, etc.

Regularly advises Chair directly with status reports as well as any issues (either resolved or

un-resolved) and attends monthly Committee Meetings prepared to present progress updates to all members.

A Wrap-Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs attend the Wrap-Up Meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 29


(Min. 1 Year Sobriety Required)

May be invited by Convention Chair to participate in cooperation, but not affiliation, with the Convention for the planning and execution of the event (such as Al-Anon Liaison, T&C, CPC/PI, Archives, Grapevine, etc.)

Associates are expected to abide by the BDSC Guidelines the same as other Sub-Committee Chairs.

AL-ANON LIASION: Coordinates with the Convention Chair and Sub-Committees to plan the Al-Anon program (usually one speaker & one workshop) to take place during the event, but not in conflict with any other AA activity.

COB/LITERATURE REP: Central Office closes on the Friday of the Convention weekend and prepares only conference-approved literature to be set-up and sold at the Convention as well as solicits for COB (Central Office Backer) donations.

ARCHIVES: Coordinates with the Convention Chair and to plan the display of Archive items and answer attendee questions regarding items, history, etc.

GRAPEVINE: Coordinates with the Convention Chair and to plan the display of Grapevine magazines, including providing blank subscription forms, and may include distributing free tickets for Grapevine subscription door prize.





Al-Anon shall be invited to participate, in cooperation but no affiliation, in the Convention, and all expenses covered by the Convention treasury.

The Al-Anon Liaison Chair coordinate with the Convention Committee to plan the Al-Anon program to take place during the Convention; but not in conflict with any other speaker meeting.

Adheres to budget. All expenditures must be approved by Convention Chair.

A Wrap Up Meeting is to be held within two weeks after the Convention. It is important that all Sub-Committee Chairs attend the wrap up meeting and provides a final report outlining any problems and/or suggestions.

All Chairs and Sub-Committee Chairs are expected to pre-register for the BDS Convention. 31

Upcoming Events