New Products. We expanded our assortment of Spanish language pamphlets, and excitedly nearly all of our initial order has been pre-ordered or purchased. We are very grateful to be of service to our regional Spanish-speaking community.
Literature Updates. Plain Language Big Book. Second printing now available at Central Office.
Printed Meeting Book available at Central Office, printed upon request. Next update to be ready in March 2025.
Office Rent Increase. We received notification from our landlord that our office rent would be increasing nearly 40% beginning May 1st, with a decision whether we will stay at this location or move to be made by March 12, 2025. The rate increase is high, though compared to other similar commercial properties, this is still a competitive market rate for our location. We received a lease agreement from the landlord today (Feb. 19) to begin reviewing as well. We will discuss this topic further in New Business.
Meeting Database Updates. Added any GSO #s that we had available to meeting listings on our website, to help meetings needing info to make splits contributions. Last month, we also added district info to all nearly 600 meetings within our meeting database; anyone wanting to know what district their meeting is in can find that info on their meeting listing, and our online Meeting Locator is now searchable by district. Click the “Everywhere” drop-down menu and select “Switch to Districts” (from Regions) and if the page doesn’t reload with the new results, scroll up or click Refresh as needed.
Website Content Updates. We have made a beginning on multiple new webpages with the intention of improved accessibility of information, connection, and outreach between Service Board, Central Office, and various areas of our fellowship and service structure. Visit “Bulletins” and “Service Resources” pages or past Central Office reports for links.
Bulletin Updates. Launched our first Call for Recovery Artwork for the February 2025 Bulletin, and the response has been lovely. We’ve received a few submissions for our March 2025 Bulletin and hope you will encourage your artist fellows and group members to participate if they feel so called. You never know how we might inspire another person in recovery – art, in this way, can be an action of service and support.
Inaccurate Meeting Info. Recently removed a meeting listing that had been submitted to us via our website in early January, as a member called and said it was not an AA meeting but actually a church service. Opens up question for vetting process of meeting information submitted to us, and how to confirm such info is accurate.
Technology Upgrades – Zoom Equipment. Zoom equipment still being researched, though other financial priorities have come up since. Looking for audio component for full-room voice capture effective for room of this size, or another alternative. Recommendations welcome. Postponing equipment proposal to a later meeting.
Printing Services. We have created a more simplified proposal for printing, copying, and other in-office services – tiered suggested contributions amounts that consider factors such as B&W, color, number of pages, and additional finishing needs such as stapling, folding, stamps/envelope, etc. Our office is now willing and able to print/copy documents related to A.A. service materials and local A.A. fellowship (i.e. flyers, meeting minutes, meeting agendas, etc.)