GSR - General Service Representative

GSR Resources

What is the role of a General Service Representative (GSR)?

“The GSR is the link between the group and ‘A.A. as a whole.’ This link becomes a channel through which news, information, opinions and ideas can flow back and forth. Importantly, this also gives the group a voice in the affairs of the Fellowship. The GSR is that voice.”
(Reprinted from The A.A. Service Manual, page 7, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.)

“The role of the general service representative, or GSR, is essential to the purpose of general service. Bill W. wrote in Concept I of The Twelve Concepts for World Service: ‘The A.A. groups today hold ultimate responsibility and final authority for our world services.’ The role of the GSR is essential to ensuring that groups can fulfill that responsibility. Only when a GSR keeps the group informed and communicates the group conscience can the Conference truly act for A.A. as a whole. This communication is a two-way street, making the GSR responsible not only for bringing forward the group’s voice, but for taking back to the group Conference actions that affect the Fellowship’s unity, health and growth.”
(Reprinted from The A.A. Service Manual, page 7, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.)

The above graphics are used with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

Paper versions of pamphlets and resources may also be available at
Central Office, 638 Papworth Ave Ste A, Metairie

See more Resources: Service Resources | For Newcomers | Accessibility Info

Literature Available via Central Office

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (second half on the Traditions)

The A.A. Service Manual (Chapter 1: The Group and Its General Service Representative, pages 7-12)

Twelve Concepts of World Service (second half of the Service Manual)

Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age

Our Great Responsibility: A Selection of Bill W.’s General Service Conference Talks 1951-1970

The Language of the Heart: Bill W.’s Grapevine Writings

How to get involved as a GSR:

From A.A. World Services: Contents of General Service Representative (G.S.R.) Kit List

Home Group GSR: Attend your home group’s next business meeting. If your home group does not have a GSR, consider standing for the service position. If so, consider standing as an Alternate GSR if your home group does not already have one.

Area Assembly: Attend your state’s quarterly Area Assembly event, either as home group GSR or to learn more about A.A. General Service.

Area 27: Louisiana Alcoholics Anonymous

Area 27 – Events Calendar

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