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Big Deep South 2024. Literature Table generated $1650 in sales deposited, and experienced minimal product loss from the event. Data analytics and sales reports for bestselling products and categories were generated to inform inventory decisions for future events. For BDS 2024, Central Office facilitated and documented pre-registration forms, payments, and deposits, as well as created and maintained a Volunteer Form to facilitate service work opportunities. Review of Central Office costs for BDS includes monthly payments for the BDS website and a storage unit primarily used for Big Deep South.

Big Deep South 2023 Contribution Delay. In mid-May and early June 2024, Central Office brought to the attention of the then-Trustees of the Service Board that there was a lack of financial documentation of final totals for and contribution from the 2023 BDS event. July 2023 Service Board meeting minutes document a reported “$22k” in profit from the BDS 2023 event, and a “$17[k]” transfer from BDS 2022. Central Office then included the 2023 BDS Chairperson, Treasurer, a fellowship member who assisted the Treasurer, and also the 2024 BDS Chairperson and Treasurer, in emailed communications for transparency and group awareness. We now bring this matter to the attention of the full Service Board, and surrender further rectification of the situation to the Service Board.

Recent Central Office Hiring. Reporting here for transparency and as per Bylaws guidelines: In May 2024, as Ken T. retired from the Central Office General Manager position, former Service Board Chair Wesly W. appointed as General Manager Carolyn H. and as a new-hire Assistant Manager Lynn W. The hiring of Lynn W. for Assistant Manager, a paid position, was not reflected in the Service Board minutes for the May 2024 Service Board meeting. Paperwork for the new hire and payroll were processed June 11, 2024. Assistant Manager Lynn W. resigned June 13, 2024.

Hotline Phone Bill. AT&T phone bill and contract for landlines supporting the 24/7 Hotline and Central Office have been renegotiated, with a new contract ready for review and approval by the Service Board and Hotline Chair. Per AT&T, the Central Office General Manager is authorized to sign this contract, after Service Board approval of the contract. Landline bill currently averages $900 per month. Switching to digital phone lines would reduce that monthly bill to $275 per month. Central Office was previously paying $320 per month for the phone bill before AT&T increased their rates for landlines. We also confirmed with AT&T that either with the landline or digital phone, the hotline can be accessible during any potential hurricane outages due to the call forwarding of both service options.

AT&T Internet Bill. While negotiating the phone bill and contract, we also renegotiated the Central Office internet bill and contract with AT&T, as we were overpaying for internet the Office did not need. Our previous $160 per month bill (for 1000MB) would be reduced to $70 per month (for 300MB) upon Service Board approval.

Office Improvements: Product Barcode Scanner. Requesting approval for a $199 investment in a product barcode scanner from Square (price includes reimbursement for taxes after purchase due to GNOSB nonprofit tax exempt status). The barcode scanner would help the workflow of the office as well as efficiency and accuracy in transactions, particularly for items like the Big Book and Twelve and Twelve with multiple similar SKUs for the same product. We researched other options at varying price points. Using the Square product scanner reduces the risk of integration issues with our current Square Retail hardware and software, as well as simplifies the customer service and help desk process if there are any problems with the barcode scanner.

Office Improvements: New Products, Shelf Remerchandising and Cleaning. Expanded Spanish language literature offerings and now offer printed lists of Spanish-language meetings to support our Spanish-speaking recovery community. Also expanded our audio library of products to support accessibilities expansion for the blind and visually impaired in our recovery community. Remerchandised and reorganized shelves and displays, and cleaned shelves during process of shifting books and merchandise.

Expanded Website Resources. We have been building out webpages for each service committee. To view progress so far, click navigation menu title “Resources” on desktop or “Printable Literature” on mobile, then click the blue buttons for different resources pages listed along the top. The For Newcomers, Service Resources, Corrections, Treatment, and Accessibilities pages are the most complete thus far, and we continue to work on this project.

Expanded Website Accessibility. Working on accessibility-focused updates to website as well, including those to support any members of our recovery community who may be deaf/hard of hearing or blind/visually impaired. Further updates to be made when we obtain access to update the theme and other developer elements of the website, including improvements to mobile experience of the website.

2024 Meeting Census and Accessibilities Checklist. Created a flyer to be handed out to home groups and district meetings, and to be printed in the July Bulletin and emailed to Central Office mailing list, to raise awareness for this initiative, 2024 Meeting Census. Intention is to check the completion and accuracy of our Meeting List as well as GSR and contact info for internal communications between Central Office, districts, meetings, and home groups. While doing so, we also can collect accessibility information for meeting locations, to include that info on the website Meeting List. A digital version of the AAWS Accessibilities Checklist has been created and linked on our Accessibilities website page, and with a QR code on the flyer, to facilitate the sharing of this information between meetings/groups and Central Office. A PDF version of the checklist is linked on the website Accessibilities page if meetings want to print out and submit the checklist, and printed copies of the checklist are also available at Central Office.

Printed Meeting List and Meeting Guide Booklet. The printed Meeting List was last updated March 6, 2024. We are reviewing other formatting options for the printed version of the Meeting List contained in Newcomer/ Treatment/ Corrections packets — currently meetings are alphabetically listed. We are also considering bringing back the printed Meeting Guide booklet with meetings organized by day/time, location, meeting type, etc., after Central Office receives the up-to-date meeting info and accessibility info from the 2024 Meeting Census.

Digital Pamphlet Packets. AAWS has increased costs for pamphlets, and this would thereby increase the prices of Newcomer packets and other packets that contain these pamphlets.When researching options for website upgrades, we noticed other Intergroups offering Digital/Virtual Newcomer Packets with QR codes linked to the PDFs of AAWS pamphlets. We created prototypes of our own version of such digital packets (Newcomer, Treatment, CPC, Service) and contacted AAWS Member Services and AAWS Literature for permission to print them. We received confirmation of approval from the AAWS Literature committee*, and we now present this initiative to the Service Board for discussion and next steps.

Bulletin Submissions for Events, Birthdays. Now due the 25th of the month – due July 25th for August 2024.

Any comments, questions, or concerns? Your voice and perspective matter to us, so please do reach out.

Email us at or call 504-836-0507 during office hours (M-F 11am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm)

Thank you for your support of Central Office and for the opportunity to be of service and in support of our local A.A. fellowship and recovery community.

*06/28/24 – Edit/Clarification to this original report: The AAWS Literature committee gave us permission to use the links to AAWS literature in QR code form – they did not review or approve the entire pamphlet itself. We apologize for this lack of clarification and amend our report here.

*06/28/24 – Addition to this original report: We since have also received a response from the AAWS Intellectual Property Department, and they provided us with updated verbiage to use for the pamphlet disclaimer. That new verbiage has been added to the pamphlets along with other edits from our first round of feedback from local fellowship members and further guidance from AAWS.

However, the two sets of each pamphlet with the original disclaimer verbiage and QR code links were not returned to Central Office at the end of the Service Board meeting. We request in good faith that any copies of those first draft pamphlets be discarded and not distributed without consent of Central Office, as we continue to work on this initiative to carry the message while respecting the process and A.A. Traditions.

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