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All Districts / Service Board

Central Office Report – May 28, 2024

  • Manager – Our Assistant Manager Carolyn H. has accepted the position of General Manager; Lynn W. is new Assistant Manager. Ken and Carolyn have been working together to facilitate the transition, and will continue to do so after Ken returns from his vacation in mid-June.
  • Hotline and Phone Service – We spoke with AT&T about possibly transferring our 3 office phones and 2 land lines to digital phone lines. This discussion included our concerns about the logistics of forwarding the hotline number to our team of hotline volunteers that occurred the last time Central Office attempted to transfer our landline phones and hotline to digital. AT&T has sent a bill for more than $1000, to continue monthly for use of the landlines. The Baton Rouge Central Office has been contacted for their perspective and experience on switching the hotline to Google services. Central Office will continue to research this matter and make a decision on next steps for the hotline in June 2024. Any input from the Service Board and Hotline committee is welcome.
  • Conventions: SELA Spring Roundup – Literature table went well; deposited total of $824.52 from conference sales. Preliminary report available for review; final report for event will be available in June 2024.
  • Conventions: Big Deep South 2024 – Convention is next weekend (June 7-9), and Central Office has worked with the BDS Planning Committee to facilitate paper form registrations and financials (checks written to cover expenses, pre-registration check/cash deposits) processed in the office. We have created a Volunteer Form for the website and shared volunteer info with each committee chair; with intention to facilitate service work opportunities for attendees, and volunteer participation to support planning committee members. We are prepared with our Central Office team plus additional volunteers to host the literature table at BDSC 2024.
  • Website – We are in the process of updating the Central Office website, including site navigation and the promotion of service work opportunities and local and regional events. We are expanding our Resources pages to include more digital options to share at the level of individuals and home groups.
  • Online Retail Sales – We plan to move toward offering online sales of products we sell at the office later this summer. We are speaking with other Area Central Offices about their transition into online sales, and are equipped with Square to handle such orders within our digital inventory system. We will be making a call for additional volunteers to assist with the expansion of this new service for our local districts.
  • Pricing Increases – Costs of products continue to rise across the board for books, pamphlets, chips, and other products sold via Central Office. Report will be available at June 2024 meeting, along with additional ideas for increasing revenue and reducing costs to help balance the budget moving into the next fiscal year.
  • Processing Square Sales – We have activated an individual passcode log-in function for all office staff members to more accurately review Square transactions by employee. Intention is to improve efficiency and effectiveness with troubleshooting transaction and inventory questions. Beginning implementation in June 2024.
  • dAAy at the Park – In the management transition, no updates are available yet for the event. Carolyn is available to begin coordinating with the event planning committee.
  • Bulletin Deadline 15th of the month for flyers and birthdays to be included in the next month’s bulletin; email to
  • Meeting Changes/Updates – Email
  • Central Office Backers – $25 annually. Donations accepted  in-office via check or cash, and via Venmo @GNOSB and PayPal, links on the website.
  • Next Service Board Meeting Wed., June 26th at 6:30pm, Central Office, 638 Papworth Ave, Metairie, 70005

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